What is NLP?
- Unstructured text mining means extracting “features”
Features are structured meta-data representing the document
Goal: “vectorize” the documents
- After vectorization, apply advanced machine learning techniques
- Decision Trees
- Naïve Bayesian Classifier
- Once models have been built, use them to automatically categorize incoming documents
Example: UFOs Attack
When I fist noticed it, I wanted to freak out. There it was an object floating in on a direct path, It didn't move side to side or volley up and down. It moved as if though it had a mission or purpose. I was nervous, and scared, So afraid in fact that I could feel my knees buckling. I guess because I didn't know what to expect and I wanted to act non aggressive. I though that I was either going to be taken, blasted into nothing, or…
If we really are on the cusp of a major alien invasion, eyewitness testimony is the key to our survival as a species.
Strangely, the computer finds this account unreliable!

Investigators need to…
for keywords and phrases, but your topic may be very complicated or keywords may be misspelled within the document
document meta-data like time, location and author. Later retrieval may be key to identifying this meta-data early, and the document may be amenable to structure.
content via sentiment analysis, custom dictionaries, natural language processing, clustering, classification and good ol’ domain expertise.
Practice : Sentiment Analysis
# Load the library
calculate_total_presence_sentiment(c("This is a good text", "This is a bad text", "This is a really bad text", "This is horrible"))
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a good text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a bad text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a really bad text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is horrible"
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] "Sarcasm" "Negative" "Very Negative" "Neutral" "Positive" "Very Positive"
[2,] "0“ "3” "0“ "0“ "1“ "0"
calculate_sentiment(c("This is a good text",
"This is a bad text",
"This is a really bad text", "This is horrible"))
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a good text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a bad text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a really bad text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is horrible"
text sentiment
1 This is a good text Positive
2 This is a bad text Negative
3 This is a really bad text Negative
4 This is horrible Negative
Calculating Sentiment Score
calculate_score(c("This is a good text",
"This is a bad text",
"This is a really bad text",
"This is horrible"))
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a good text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a bad text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is a really bad text"
[1] "Processing sentence: this is horrible"
[1] 1 -1 -1 -1
Text Mining and NLP More Examples
String Matching in R Programming
- String matching is an important aspect of any language. It is useful in finding, replacing as well as removing string(s)
- A regular expression is a string that contains special symbols and characters to find and extract the information needed from the given data.
- Operations on String Matching
Finding a String
grep() function: It returns the index at which the pattern is found in the vector.
grep(pattern, string, ignore.case=FALSE)
str <- c("Man", "woman","baby", "amman", "happy")
grep('man', str)
grep('man', str)
output: 2 4
- str <- c("Man", "woman","baby", "amman", "happy")
- grep('man', str, ignore.case ="True")
grep('man', str, ignore.case ="True")
Output: 1 2 4
grepl() function: It is a logical function that returns the value True if the specified pattern is found in the vector and false if it is not found.
grepl(pattern, string, ignore.case=FALSE)
To find whether any instance(s) of ‘the’ are present in the string.
str <- c("Man", "woman","baby", "amman", "happy")
grepl('the', str)
grepl('wo', str)
regexpr() function: It searches for occurrences of a pattern in every element of the string.
Syntax: regexpr(pattern, string, ignore.case = FALSE)
example: To find whether any instance(s) of ‘he’ is present in each string of the vector.
str <- c("Hello", "hello", "hi", "ahey", "aahead")
regexpr('he', str)
regexpr('he', str)
output: -1 1 -1 2 3
example: To find whether any instance(s) of words starting with a vowel is present in each string of the vector.
str <- c("abra", "Ubra", "hunt", "quirky")
regexpr('^[aeiouAEIOU]', str)
regexpr('^[aeiouAEIOU]', str)
output: 1 1 -1 -1
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