Step 1: Install Tableau
Go to and follow the instructions to sign up for, download, and install the Tableau software. You MUST use your university email address, and do not forget to check your email and get your license key!
Step 2: Open Tableau
When you open Tableau, you will see a list of videos on the right side of the welcome splash screen.
Step 3: Complete the “Getting Started” Video.
Click the “Getting Started” link, which will take you to the Tableau website. Watch the video, and work along with the presenter on the exercise. (Note that all the sample files are available below the video presentation.) Complete the “Getting Started” and the “Tableau Interface Videos” (links on right side).
Step 4. Load a New Data Set
Now that you have learned a little bit about Tableau, download and open (in Tableau) the NYCTrash.xlsx file that is available online. Remember, to do this, you click on “connect to data” in Tableau and choose “Excel”. Then find the file where you downloaded it.
You will need to turn this in. Call your file “NYCTrash-≪Your NAME≫”
1. Connect to Data
2. Choose “Excel”
3. Open the file and accept the default mappings
Click on the Sheet 1 Tab
Step 5 – Explore Multiple Visualization Types in Tableau
One of the most powerful features in Tableau is the fact that Tableau allows you to experiment with different visualization types for the same data. In this part of the assignment, you will watch a video, where 12 different views are created using the same data.
Open and work through the Tutorial - 12 Visualizations video that is available online.
Save your work!
Step 6: Learn about Dashboards
Complete these videos located in the “Dashboards and Stories” section.
Step 7: Using the 12 visualizations you created in Step 5, create a dashboard that looks like this:
(Close is fine – for instance – don’t worry about word placement on the word cloud).
Step 8: Learn about Packaged Workbooks
Read about packaging your data into a “Packaged Workbook” here:
You should ALWAYS submit your work as a packaged workbook.
Save your work as a packaged workbook and turn in online
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