1. What does an empty dictionary's code look like?
Ans: Two curly brackets:{}
2. What is the value of a dictionary value with the key 'foo' and the value 42?
Ans: {‘foo’:42}
3. What is the most significant distinction between a dictionary and a list?
Ans: The items in dictionary are unordered and in a list are ordered.
4. What happens if you try to access spam['foo'] if spam is {'bar': 100}?
Ans: We get a KeyError error.
5. If a dictionary is stored in spam, what is the difference between the expressions 'cat' in spam and 'cat' in spam.keys()?
Ans: There is no difference. The in operator checks whether a value exists as a key in the dictionary
6. If a dictionary is stored in spam, what is the difference between the expressions 'cat' in spam and 'cat' in spam.values()?
Ans: 'cat' in spam checks whether there is a 'cat' key in the dictionary, while 'cat' in spam.values() checks whether there is a value 'cat' for one of the keys in spam.
7. What is a shortcut for the following code?
if 'color' not in spam:
spam['color'] = 'black'
Ans: spam.setdefault('color', 'black')
8. How do you "pretty print" dictionary values using which module and function?
Ans: pprint.pprint()
9. What are escape characters, and how do you use them?
Ans: Escape characters represent characters in string values that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to type into code.
10. What do the escape characters n and t stand for?
Ans: \n is a newline; \t is a tab.
11. What is the way to include backslash characters in a string?
Ans: The \\ escape character will represent a backslash character.
12. The string "Howl's Moving Castle" is a correct value. Why isn't the single quote character in the word Howl's not escaped a problem?
Ans: The single quote in Howl's is fine because we’ve used double quotes to mark the beginning and end of the string.
13. How do you write a string of newlines if you don't want to use the n character?
Ans: Multiline strings allow you to use newlines in strings without the \n escape character
14. What are the values of the given expressions?
'Hello, world!'[1]
'Hello, world!'[0:5]
'Hello, world!'[:5]
'Hello, world!'[3:]
Ans: The expressions evaluate to the following:
• 'e'
• 'Hello'
• 'Hello'
• 'lo world
15. What are the values of the following expressions?
Ans: The expressions evaluate to the following:
• True
• 'hello'
16. What are the values of the following expressions?
'Remember, remember, the fifth of July.'.split()
'-'.join('There can only one.'.split())
Ans: 1>[‘Remember,’,’remember,’,’the’,’fifth’,’of’,’july’]
17. What are the methods for right-justifying, left-justifying, and centering a string?
Ans: The rjust(), ljust(), and center() string methods, respectively
18. What is the best way to remove whitespace characters from the start or end?
Ans: The lstrip() and rstrip() methods remove whitespace from the left and right ends of a string, respectively
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