Its use to develop an app you can develop an android app if you know java . if you don’t know still you can learn development of an app how ? you have to learn kotlin its similar to java . Android is given by google.
What is android studio?
If we develop any software then what we need library,editor,runtime similarly Android IDE( editor + lib + runtime + compiler)
If we want to develop an app using java lang then we need to have sdk . and sdk is installed with this android studio .
JDK = compiler + lib
SDK = compiler + lib + DVM(ART)
DVM : Dummy Virtual Machine
ART : Android Run Time
Android is a software platform and also a software stack which contains lots of things and provides us facility to devlelop software . Android is linux kernel based OS.
Android is a platform or we can say software stack for initially mobile devices which contains OS , middleware application framework and key application.
Android application ,android game , android phone
Platform Architecture
https://developer.android.com/guide/platform you must learn architecture from here
To run hello world program in android studio and u need to create new project.
Give name to it and choose empty activity and when you are creating a project then choose lang to java .
You will get new project now you will have to run if gradle is succesfuly synched . you will get some problem while running this project first of all “ No target Device found”
So need to solve this issue. You have to go to tools> AVD Manager > create new virtual Device > download when you run the emulator then you will get this kind of an error.

How to fix vt-x is disabled in bios windows 10 ?

In Order to fix this issue you should press the shift key and click on restart the system. After that you will get one window.

Click on troubleshoot

Click on Advanced options

Click on startup settings

After click on restart press F10 continuously
Then you will get another window

Click no

Choose system configuration and go to virtualization Technology make I enabled with click

Save it with F10
