Project Requirement
In this you can use company database of any other from your choice.
This task is divided into 3 parts:
Task 1:
Data Modelling Diagram(s)
Entity Relationship Diagrams
Semantic Object Diagram
Relational Tables
Normalization tables
Data Flow Diagram(s) (including context level, level-0 and level-1)
Data Dictionary
Use Case Diagram(s) and/ Activity Diagram(s)
Class Diagram(s)
Necessary Requirements:
Entity Relationship Diagrams provided and drawn correctly
Entity Relationship Diagrams were consistent with proposed solution
Normalize tables into 1 NF
Normalize tables into 2 NF
Normalize tables into 3 NF
Relational Table Diagram Provided and drawn correctly
Relational Table Diagram corresponds with ERD
Semantic Object Diagram(s) were provided and drawn correctly
Semantic Object Diagram(s) are consistent with proposed solution
Data Flow Diagram(s) (including context level, level-o and level-1) were provided and drawn correctly
Data Flow Diagram(s) were consistent with proposed solution
Data Dictionary was provided and drawn correctly
Data Dictionary was consistent with proposed solution
Use Case Diagram(s) provided and drawn correctly
Use Case Diagram(s) were consistent with proposed solution
Activity Diagram(s) were provided and drawn correctly
Activity Diagram(s) were consistent with proposed solution
Class Diagram(s) were provided and drawn correctly
Class Diagram(s) were consistent with proposed solution
Task 2:
Create databases
Create tables
Add and delete records
Apply constraints on the columns
Create indexes
Create relationships
Create views
Query data using a view
You need follow:
Create tables
Assign appropriate data types
List of validations (8) to be applied on tables
Apply 8 validations
Create relationships
Apply relationship constraints
Insert records into the tables (At least 5 records in each table)
List of views to be created
Create 6 views
Create SQL query(s) to insert records
Create SQL query(s) to update records
Create SQL query(s) to delete records
Create SQL query(s) using wildcards
Create SQL query(s) using criterion involving a text field
Create SQL query(s) using criterion involving a numeric field
Create SQL query(s) using compound criterion (AND, OR, NOT)
Create SQL query(s) using multiple functions in the same command
Create SQL query(s) to group records
Create SQL query(s) to Sort results
Create SQL query(s) to join tables
Task 3:
Write functions ,
What is necessary:
Explanation of at least 4 stored procedures including insert , update , delete and select queries
Use of input parameters in stored procedures
Use of output parameters in stored procedures
Use of default values in stored procedure
Execute code for stored procedures
Create reports based on functions created above
Create reports based on stored procedure created above
Create a report that demonstrates parent-child relationship
Create a report that demonstrates group by clause
Format reports appropriately
Create at least 1 trigger