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Coding Sample Paper - Machine Learning | Predict Nightly Airbnb Rental Prices in San Francisco.


Updated: May 18, 2022

Task 1


Create a Spark Dataframe from /databricks-datasets/learning-spark-v2/sf-airbnb/sf-airbnb-clean.parquet/. Visualize and explore the data. Note anything you find interesting. This dataset is slightly cleansed form of the Inside Airbnb dataset for San Francisco.

Q2: Model Development and Tracking

  • Split into 80/20 train-test split using SparkML APIs.

  • Build a model using SparkML to predict price given the other input features (or subset of them).

  • Mention why you chose this model, how it works, and other models that you considered.

  • Compute the loss metric on the test dataset and explain your choice of loss metric.

  • Log your model/hyperparameters/metrics to MLflow.

Task 2

Question 1

Part 1: Code analysis and documentation

In the following cells is code to generate a synthetic data set. At each point that is

marked by commenting blocks ( '#', '"""', '''''), fill in appropriate comments that explain

the functionality of each part of the subsequent code in standard python code style.

import collections
DataStructure = collections.namedtuple('DataStructure', 'value1 value2 value3 value4 
value5 value6')
ModuloResult = collections.namedtuple('ModuloResult', 'factor remain')
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType, StructType
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, col
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
import random
import numpy
from functools import reduce
import math
STDDEV_NAME = "_std"
class DataGenerator:
def __init__(self, DISTINCT_NOMINAL, STDDEV_NAME): 
 def modeFlag(self, mode: str):
 """ comments
 modeVal = {
 "ascending" : False,
 "descending" : True
 return modeVal.get(mode)
 def lfold(self, func, nums, exp):
 """ comments
 acc = []
 for i in range(len(nums)):
 result = reduce(func, nums[:i+1], exp)
 return acc
 def generateDoublesData(self, targetCount: int, start: float, step: float, mode: str):
 """ comments
 stoppingPoint = (targetCount * step) + start
 doubleArray = list(numpy.arange(start, stoppingPoint, step))
 try : 
 doubleArray = sorted(doubleArray, reverse=self.modeFlag(mode))
 if (mode == 'random'):
 raise Exception(mode, " is not supported.")
 return doubleArray
 def generateDoublesMod(self, targetCount: int, start: float, step: float, mode: str, exp: float):
 """ comments
 doubles = self.generateDoublesData(targetCount, start, step, mode)
 res = (lambda x, y: x + ((x + y) / x))
 return self.lfold(res, doubles, exp)
 def generateDoublesMod2(self, targetCount: int, start: float, step: float, mode: str):
 """ comments
 doubles = self.generateDoublesData(targetCount, start, step, mode)
 func = (lambda x, y: (math.pow((x-y)/math.sqrt(y), 2)))
 sequenceEval = reduce(func, doubles, 0)
 res = (lambda x, y: (x + (x / y)) / x)
 return self.lfold(res, doubles, sequenceEval)
 def generateIntData(self, targetCount: int, start: int, step: int, mode: str):
 """ comments
 stoppingPoint = (targetCount * step) + start
 intArray = list(range(start, stoppingPoint, step))
 try : 
 intArray = sorted(intArray, reverse=self.modeFlag(mode))
 if (mode == 'random'):

 raise Exception(mode, " is not supported.")
 return intArray
 def generateRepeatingIntData(self, targetCount: int, start: int, step: int, mode: str, 
distinctValues: int): 
 """ comments
 subStopPoint = (distinctValues * step) + start - 1
 distinctArray = list(range(start, subStopPoint, step))
 try : 
 sortedArray = sorted(distinctArray, reverse=self.modeFlag(mode))
 if (mode != 'random'):
 raise Exception(mode, " is not supported.")
 outputArray = numpy.full((int(targetCount / (len(sortedArray) - 1)), len(sortedArray)),
 if (mode == 'random'):
 return outputArray

def getDoubleCols(self, schema: StructType):
 """ comments
 return [ for s in schema if s.dataType == DoubleType()]
 def normalizeDoubleTypes(self, df: DataFrame):
 """ comments
 doubleTypes = self.getDoubleCols(df.schema)
 stddevValues ="stddev").first()
 for indx in range(0, len(doubleTypes)):
 df = df.withColumn(doubleTypes[indx]+STDDEV_NAME, 
 return df
 def generateData(self, targetCount: int):
 """ comments

seq1 = self.generateIntData(targetCount, 1, 1, "ascending")
 seq2 = self.generateDoublesData(targetCount, 1.0, 1.0, "descending")
 seq3 = self.generateDoublesMod(targetCount, 1.0, 1.0, "ascending", 2.0)
 seq4 = list(map(lambda x: x * -10, self.generateDoublesMod2(targetCount, 1.0, 1.0, 
 seq5 = self.generateRepeatingIntData(targetCount, 0, 5, "ascending", 
 seq6 = self.generateDoublesMod2(targetCount, 1.0, 1.0, "descending")
 seqData: List[DataStructure] = []
 for i in range(0, targetCount):
 seqData.append(DataStructure(value1=seq1[i], value2=seq2[i].item(), 
value3=seq3[i].item(), value4=seq4[i].item(), 
 value5=seq5[i], value6=seq6[i].item()))
 return self.normalizeDoubleTypes(spark.createDataFrame(seqData))
 def generateCoordData(self, targetCount: int):
 """ comments
 coordData = self.generateData(targetCount).withColumnRenamed("value2_std", 
"x1").withColumnRenamed("value3_std", "x2").withColumnRenamed("value4_std", 
"y1").withColumnRenamed("value6_std", "y2").select("x1", "x2", "y1", "y2")
 return coordData

Part 2: Data Normalcy and Filtering

Many data manipulation tasks require the identification and handling of outlier data. In this section, examine the data set that is generated and write a function that will determine the distribution type of a collection of column names passed in. The only distribution types that are required to be detected are:

  • Normal Distriubtion

  • Left Tailed

  • Right Tailed The return type of this function should be a Dictionary of (ColumnName -> Distriubtion Type)

dataGenerator = DataGenerator(DISTINCT_NOMINAL, STDDEV_NAME) 
data = dataGenerator.generateData(1000) 
columnsToCheck = ["value2_std", "value3_std", "value4_std", "value6_std"] 

Part 3: Testing

In order to validate that the function that you have written performs as intended, write a simple test that could be placed in a unit testing framework.

  • Demonstrate that the test passes while validating proper classification of at maximum 1 type of distribution

  • Demonstate the test failing at classifying correctly, but ensure that the application continues to run (handle the exception and report the failure to stdout)

(Hint: Distribution characteristics may change with the number of rows generated based on the data generator's equations)

Part 4: Efficient Calculations

In this section, create a function that allows for the calculation of euclidean distance between the pairs (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). Choose the approach that scales best to extremely large data sizes.

  • Once complete, determine the distribution type of your derived distance column using the function you developed above in Part 2.

  • Show a plot of the distribution to ensure that the distribution type is correct.

coordData = dataGenerator.generateCoordData(1000) 

Part 5: Complex DataTypes

In this section, create a new column that shows the mid-point coordinates between the (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) values in each row.

  • After the new column has been created, write a function that will calculate the distance from each pair (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) to the mid-point value.

  • Once the distances have been calculated, run a validation check to ensure that the expected result is achieved.

Part 6: Precision

  • How many rows of data do not match?

  • Why would they / wouldn't they match?

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1 Comment

Jun 14, 2024

What's the solution for the above paper ?



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