Log analytics is a common big data use case that allows you to analyze log data from websites, mobile devices, servers, sensors, and more for a wide variety of applications such as digital marketing, application monitoring, fraud detection, ad tech, games, and IoT. In this project, you use Amazon Web Services to build an end-to-end log analytics solution that collects, ingests, processes, and loads both batch data and streaming data, and makes the processed data available to your users in analytics systems they are already using and in near real-time. The solution is highly reliable, cost-effective, scales automatically to varying data volumes, and requires almost no IT administration.
Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is the easiest way to process streaming data in real time with standard SQL without having to learn new programming languages or processing frameworks. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics enables you to create and run SQL queries on streaming data so that you can gain actionable insights and respond to your business and customer needs promptly. This tutorial walks you through the process of ingesting streaming log data, aggregating that data, and persisting the aggregated data so that it can be analyzed and visualized. You create a complete end-to-end system that integrates several AWS services. You analyze a live stream of Apache access log data and aggregate the total request for each HTTP response type every minute. To visualize this data in near real-time, you use a user interface (UI) tool that charts the results.
One of the major benefits to using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is that an entire analysis infrastructure can be created with a serverless architecture. The system created in this tutorial implements Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, and Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service). Each of these services is designed for seamless integration with one another. The architecture is depicted below.

In this architecture example, the web server is an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. You install the Amazon Kinesis Agent on this Linux instance.
The Kinesis Agent continuously forward log records to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose writes each log record to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for durable storage of the raw log data. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics continuously runs a SQL statement against the streaming input data.
Amazon Kinesis Analytics creates an aggregated data set every minute and outputs that data to a second Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
This Firehose delivery stream writes the aggregated data to an OpenSearch domain hosted in Amazon OpenSearch Service.
You create a view of the streaming data using OpenSearch Dashboards to visualize the output of your system.
Estimate Your Costs
The total cost of analyzing your Apache access logs varies depending on several factors, including the following:
how many web log records you ingest
the complexity of your Amazon Kinesis Analytics SQL queries
the instance size, storage choice, and redundancy chosen for the OpenSearch domain
This tutorial also creates an EC2 instance to generate a sample Apache access log. The instance size you choose and the amount of time that the instance is running affects the cost. It costs approximately $0.51 to complete the tutorial if you use the default configuration recommended in this guide. This estimate assumes that the infrastructure you create during the tutorial is running for 1 hour. A breakdown of the services used and their associated costs is provided in the following section.
Services Used and Costs
AWS pricing is based on your usage of each individual service. The total combined usage of each service creates your monthly bill. For this tutorial, you are charged for the use of Amazon EC2, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, and Amazon OpenSearch Service.
Amazon EC2
Description: Amazon EC2 provides the virtual application servers, known as instances, to run your web application on the platform you choose. Amazon EC2 allows you to configure and scale your compute capacity easily to meet changing requirements and demand. It is integrated into Amazon’s computing environment, allowing you to leverage the AWS suite of services. How Pricing Works: Amazon EC2 pricing is based on four components: the instance type you choose (EC2 comes in 40+ types of instances with options optimized for compute, memory, storage, and more), the AWS Region your instances are based in, the software you run, and the pricing model you select (on-demand instances, reserved capacity, spot, etc.). For more information, see Amazon EC2 pricing. Example: Assume your log files reside on a single Linux t2.micro EC2 instance in the US East region. With an on-demand pricing model, the monthly charge for your virtual machine is $4.18. For this tutorial, assuming that the log generating instance runs for 1 hour, your EC2 cost is estimated to be $0.0116 [= ($8.35 per month / 30 days per month / 24 hours per day) * 1 hour].
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
Description: Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service for delivering real-time streaming data to destinations such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, or Amazon OpenSearch Service. With Kinesis Data Firehose, you do not need to write any applications or manage any resources. You configure your data producers to send data to Firehose and it automatically delivers the data to the destination that you specified.
How Pricing Works: Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose pricing is based on the volume of data ingested into Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, which is calculated as the number of data records you send to the service, times the size of each record, rounded up to the nearest 5 KB. For example, if your data records are 42 KB each, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose counts each record as 45 KB of data ingested. In the US East AWS Region, the price for Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is $0.029 per GB of data ingested and decreases as data total increases. For more information, see Amazon Kinesis Firehose Pricing. Example: In this tutorial, you create two separate Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery streams. One delivery stream receives the data from your Apache access log producer, and the other delivery stream receives the output from an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application. Assume the producer sends 500 records per second, and that each record is less than 5 KB in size (typical for an Apache access log record). The monthly estimate for data ingestion into the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream in this example is:
The price in the US East region is $0.029 per GB of data ingested.
Record size, rounded up to the nearest 5 KB = 5 KB
Data ingested (GB per sec) = (500 records/sec * 5 KB/record) / 1,048,576 KB/GB = 0.002384 GB/sec
Data ingested (GB per month) = 30 days/month * 86,400 sec/day * 0.002384 GB/sec = 6,179.81 GB/month
Monthly charge: 6,179.81 * $0.029/GB = $179.21
For this tutorial, assume that the system is only ingesting data for 1 hour. The cost specifically for this tutorial would be approximately $0.25 [= ($179.21 per month / 30 days per month / 24 hours per day) * 1 hour].
The second Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream is receiving records at a much less frequent rate. Because the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application is outputting only a few rows of data every minute, the cost for that delivery stream is correspondingly smaller. Assuming only five records per minute are ingested, and each record is less than 5 KB, the cost for the delivery stream is $0.00005 for the 1-hour duration assumed for this tutorial.
Amazon S3
Description: Amazon S3 provides secure, durable, and highly-scalable cloud storage for the objects that make up your application. Examples of objects you can store include source code, logs, images, videos, and other artifacts that are created when you deploy your application. Amazon S3 makes it is easy to use object storage with a simple web interface to store and retrieve your files from anywhere on the web, meaning that your website will be reliably available to your visitors.
How Pricing Works: Amazon S3 pricing is based on five components: the type of Amazon S3 storage you use, the region you store your WordPress content (e.g., US East vs. Asia Pacific - Sydney), the amount of data you store, the number of requests you or your users make to store new content or retrieve the content, and the amount of data that is transferred from Amazon S3 to you or your users. For more information, see Amazon S3 Pricing.
Example: Using Standard Storage in the US East Region, if you store 5 GB of content, you pay $0.115 per month. If you created your account in the past 12 months, and you are eligible for the AWS Free Tier, you pay $0.00 per month. For this tutorial, assume that the producer creates 5 GB of data. Over a 1-hour period, the total cost for storing the records in Amazon S3 is $0.00016/ [= ($0.115 per month / 30 days per month / 24 hours per day) * 1 hour].
Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
Description: Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is the easiest way to process and analyze streaming data in real time with ANSI standard SQL. It enables you to read data from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, and build stream processing queries that filter, transform, and aggregate the data as it arrives. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics automatically recognizes standard data formats, parses the data, and suggests a schema, which you can edit using the interactive schema editor. It provides an interactive SQL editor and stream processing templates so you can write sophisticated stream processing queries in just minutes. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics runs your queries continuously, and writes the processed results to output destinations such as Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, which can deliver the data to Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics automatically provisions, deploys, and scales the resources required to run your queries.
How Pricing Works: With Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, you pay only for what you use. You are charged an hourly rate based on the average number of Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs) used to run your stream processing application. A single KPU is a unit of stream processing capacity comprised of 4 GB memory, 1 vCPU compute, and corresponding networking capabilities. As the complexity of your queries varies, and the demands on memory and compute vary in response, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics automatically and elastically scales the number of KPUs required to complete your analysis. There are no resources to provision and no upfront costs or minimum fees associated with Amazon Kinesis Analytics. For more information, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Pricing.
Example: This example assumes that the system is running for 1 hour in the US East Region. The SQL query in this tutorial is basic and does not consume more than one KPU. Given that the price for Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics in US East is $0.11 per KPU-hour, and the tutorial runs for 1 hour, the total cost for the usage of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is $0.11.
Amazon OpenSearch Service
Description: Amazon OpenSearch Service makes it easy for you to perform interactive log analytics, real-time application monitoring, website search, and more. Amazon OpenSearch Service offers the latest versions of OpenSearch, support for 19 versions of Elasticsearch (1.5 to 7.10 versions), and visualization capabilities powered by OpenSearch Dashboards and Kibana (1.5 to 7.10 versions).
How Pricing Works: With Amazon OpenSearch Service, you pay only for what you use. There are no minimum fees or upfront commitments. You are charged for Amazon OpenSearch Service instance hours, an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume (if you choose this option), and standard data transfer fees. For more information, see Amazon OpenSearch Service Pricing.
Example: For this tutorial, the total Amazon OpenSearch Service cost can be calculated as follows: In the US East (N. Virginia) Region, an on demand instance type of r6g.large.search costs $0.167 per hour * 1 hour = $0.167.
You can evaluate the simplicity and effectiveness of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics with this tutorial, which walks you through a simple Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application. You perform the following steps in this tutorial:
Step 1: Set Up Prerequisites
Step 2: Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream
Step 3: Install and Configure the Amazon Kinesis Agent on the EC2 Instance
Step 4: Create an Opensearch Domain in Amazon OpenSearch Service
Step 5: Create a Second Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream
Step 6: Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Application
Step 7: View the Aggregated Streaming Data
Step 8: Clean Up
This tutorial is not meant for production environments and does not discuss options in depth. After you complete the steps, you can find more in-depth information to create your own Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application in the Additional Resources section.
Step 1: Set Up Prerequisites
Before you begin analyzing your Apache access logs with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, make sure you complete the following prerequisites. This tutorial assumes that the AWS resources have been created in the US East AWS Region (us-east-1).
Create an AWS Account
If you already have an AWS account, you can skip this prerequisite and use your existing account.
To create AWS account:
1. Go to http://aws.amazon.com/.
2. Choose Create an AWS Account and follow the instructions.
Part of the signup procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a PIN using the phone keypad.
Start an EC2 Instance
The steps outlined in this tutorial assume that you are using an EC2 instance as the web server and log producer. (For detailed instructions, see Getting started with Amazon EC2 Linux instances.)
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/
2. From the console dashboard, choose Launch Instance.
3. On the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) page, choose the Community AMIs tab on the lefthand column. In the search box, type Amazon Linux AMI. Choose amzn-ami-hvm Amazon Linux AMI (the second one).
4. On the Choose an Instance Type page, select the t2.micro instance type.

5. Choose Next: Configure Instance Details.
6. Choose Create new IAM role. A new tab opens to create the role.

You want to ensure that your EC2 instance has an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role configured with permission to write to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon CloudWatch. For more information, see IAM Roles for Amazon EC2.
a. Choose Create role.
b. For trusted entity, choose AWS service.
c. For the use case, choose EC2.

d. Choose Next: Permissions.
e. In the search bar, type KinesisFirehose and select the check box for AmazonKinesisFirehoseFullAccess.

7. Clear the search bar and type CloudWatchFull. Select the check box for CloudWatchFullAccess.

f. Choose Next: Tags to add optional tags.
g. Choose Next: Review and for Role name, type web-log-ec2-role

h. Choose Create role.
8. Return to the EC2 launch wizard tab (Figure 3) and next to the IAM role, click the refresh icon. Then, select web-log-ec2-role.
9. Choose Advanced Details and fill out the User data field: To prepare your EC2 instance, copy and paste the following user data script into the User data space. Make sure the lines are single-spaced with no extra whitespace in between.
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git -y
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install pytz
sudo pip install numpy
sudo pip install faker
sudo pip install tzlocal
git clone https://github.com/kiritbasu/Fake-Apache-LogGenerator.git
mkdir /tmp/logs
cp /Fake-Apache-Log-Generator/apache-fake-log-gen.py /tmp/logs/

10. Choose Review and Launch
11. Review the details and choose Launch.
12. In the key pair dialog box that appears, choose to create a new key pair or select an existing key pair that you have access to. If you choose to create a new key pair, choose Download Key Pair and wait for the file to download.

13. Choose Launch Instances.
The EC2 instance launches with the required dependencies already installed on the machine. The user data script clones Github onto the EC2 instance and the required file is copied into a new directory named logs in the /tmp folder. Once the EC2 instance is launched, you need to connect to it via SSH.
Prepare Your Log Files
Because Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics can analyze your streaming data in near real time, this tutorial is much more effective when you use a live stream of Apache access log data. If your EC2 instance is not serving HTTP traffic, you need to generate continuous sample log files. To create a continuous stream of log file data on your EC2 instance, download, install, and run the Fake Apache Log Generator from Github on the EC2 instance. Follow the instructions on the project page and configure the script for infinite log file generation.
Connect to Your Instance
To connect to your instance, follow the steps in Connect to Your Linux Instance. On the Instances dashboard, you can also select the checkbox next to the instance and choose Connect on the top header to view further guidance on how to connect to the instance. The SSH client tab lists instructions on how to connect via SSH, using the Key Pair you created.
Once you connect into the EC2 instance, move to the /tmp/logs directory and run the following line of code to start the Fake Apache Log Generator program. Run this line of code multiple times to create multiple log files within the /tmp/logs file.
sudo python /tmp/logs/apache-fake-log-gen.py -n 0 -o LOG &
sudo python /tmp/logs/apache-fake-log-gen.py -n 0 -o LOG &
Step 2: Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream
In Step 1, you created log files on your web server. Before they can be analyzed with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics (Step 6), you must first load the log data into AWS. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service for delivering real-time streaming data to destinations such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Redshift, or Amazon OpenSearch Service.
In this step, you create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to save each log entry in Amazon S3 and to provide the log data to the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application that you create later in this tutorial.
To create the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream:
14. Open the Amazon Kinesis console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/kinesis.
15. In the Get Started section, choose Kinesis Data Firehose, and then choose Create Delivery Stream.
16. On the Name and source screen:
a. For Delivery stream name, enter web-log-ingestion-stream.
b. For Choose a source, select Direct PUT or other sources.
c. Choose Next.
17. On the Process records screen, keep the default selections and choose Next.
18. On the Choose a destination screen:
a. For Destination, choose Amazon S3.
b. For S3 bucket, choose Create new
c. In the Create S3 bucket window, for S3 bucket name, specify a unique name. You do not need to use the name elsewhere in this tutorial. However, Amazon S3 bucket names are required to be globally unique.
d. For Region, choose US East (N. Virginia).
e. Choose Create S3 Bucket.
19. Choose Next.
20. On the Configure settings screen, scroll down to Permissions, and for IAM role, choose Create or update IAM role.

21. Choose Next.
22. Review the details of the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream and choose Create Delivery Stream.
Step 3: Install and Configure the Amazon Kinesis Agent on the EC2 Instance
Now that you have an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream ready to ingest your data, you can configure the EC2 instance to send the data using the Amazon Kinesis Agent software. The agent is a standalone Java software application that offers an easy way to collect and send data to Kinesis Data Firehose. The agent continuously monitors a set of files and sends new data to your delivery stream. It handles file rotation, checkpointing, and retry upon failures. It delivers all of your data in a reliable, timely, and simple manner. It also emits Amazon CloudWatch metrics to help you better monitor and troubleshoot the streaming process.
The Amazon Kinesis Agent can preprocess records from monitored files before sending them to your delivery stream. It has native support for Apache access log files, which you created in Step 1. When configured, the agent parses log files in the Apache Common Log format and convert each line in the file to JSON format before sending the files to your Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, which you created in Step 2.
1. To install the agent, copy and paste the following command, once SSH’d into the EC2 instance. For more information, see Download and Install the Agent.
sudo yum install –y aws-kinesis-agent
2. For detailed instructions on how to configure the agent to process and send log data to your Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, see Configure and Start the Agent.
To configure the agent for this tutorial, modify the configuration file located at /etc/aws-kinesis/agent.json using the following template.
Replace filePattern with the full-path-to-log-file that represents the path to your log files and a wildcard if you have multiple log files with the same naming convention. For example, it might look similar to: “/tmp/logs/access_log*”. The value will be different, depending on your use case.
Replace name-of-delivery-stream with the name of the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream you created in Step 2.
The firehose.endpoint is firehose.us-east-1.amazonaws.com (default).
"firehose.endpoint": "firehose.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
"flows": [
"filePattern": "/tmp/logs/access_log*",
"deliveryStream": "name-of-delivery-stream",
"dataProcessingOptions": [
"optionName": "LOGTOJSON",
3. Start the agent manually by issuing the following command:
sudo service aws-kinesis-agent start
Once started, the agent looks for files in the configured location and send the records to the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
Step 4: Create an Opensearch Domain in Amazon OpenSearch Service
The data produced by this tutorial is stored in Amazon OpenSearch Service for later visualization and analysis. To create the Opensearch domain:
1. Open the Amazon OpenSearch Service console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/es.
2. Choose Create a new domain.
3. On the Choose deployment type page, for Deployment type, choose a Development and testing. For Version, choose Opensearch 1.0.
4. Choose Next.
5. On the Configure domain page, for Domain name, type web-log-summary.
6. Leave all settings as their default values and choose Next.
7. On the Configure access and security page:
For Network configuration, choose Public access.
Under Fine-grained access control, make sure Enable fine-grained access control is selected.
c. Choose Create master user, and specify the Master username as admin and set a password.

d. In the Access policy section, for Domain access policy, choose JSON defined access policy. Your JSON policy should look like the one shown in Figures 11 or 12.
Note: This is not a recommended setting for production Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. Make sure to terminate this Amazon OpenSearch Service domain after completing the tutorial or apply a more restrictive policy.

8. Leave all other default settings and choose Next. Optionally, add a tag and choose Next.
9. Review the details for the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain and choose Confirm. It takes approximately 10 minutes for the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain to be created. While the domain is being created, proceed with the remainder of this guide.
Note: The following example shows a restrictive access policy where the domain is restricted to only allow traffic from a specific IP address.

Step 5: Create a Second Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream
Now that you have somewhere to persist the output of your Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, you need a simple way to get your data into your Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose supports Amazon OpenSearch Service as a destination, so create a second Firehose delivery stream:
1. Open the Amazon Kinesis console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/kinesis.
2. Choose Create Delivery Stream.
3. In the Source section:
e. For Choose a source, select Direct PUT.
f. For Destination, choose Amazon OpenSearch Service.
g. For Delivery stream name, enter web-log-aggregated-data.
4. In the Transform records section, leave the default values.
5. In the Destination settings:
h. For OpenSearch domain, choose the domain you created in Step 4. (You may need to wait until the OpenSearch domain has finished processing. Click the refresh button periodically to refresh the list of domains).
i. For Index, type request_data.
j. For Index rotation, choose No rotation (default).
k. For Retry duration, leave the default value of 300 seconds.
l. In the Back up settings section, for Backup mode, choose Failed data only.
m. For S3 backup bucket, choose Create.
n. In the Create S3 bucket window, for S3 bucket name, specify a unique name. You do not need to use the name elsewhere in this tutorial. However, Amazon S3 bucket names are required to be globally unique.
o. For Region, choose US East (N. Virginia).
p. Choose Create S3 Bucket.
6. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure settings screen, you can leave all fields set to their default values. However, you will need to choose an IAM role so that Amazon Kinesis Firehose can write to your OpenSearch domain on your behalf. For IAM role, choose Create new or choose.
8. Choose Next.
9. Review the details for your Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream and choose Create Delivery Stream.
10. Add permissions for your Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to access your OpenSearch cluster: a. Select the newly created web-log-aggregated-data stream and choose the IAM role, under the Configuration tab.

b. In the IAM window that opens, choose Add inline policy (on the right).
c. On the Create policy page, choose a service and search for OpenSearch in the search box.
d. Under Actions, select the check box for All OpenSearch Service.
e. Expand the Resources tab, select the Specific radio button and check Any in this account. Choose Review policy

Step 6: Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Application
You are now ready to create the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application to aggregate data from your streaming web log data and store it in your OpenSearch domain. To create the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application:
1. Open the Amazon Kinesis Analytics console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics.
2. Choose Create new application.
3. For Application name, type web-log-aggregation-tutorial.
4. Leave the Runtime value as the default and choose Create application.
5. To configure the source data for the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, choose Connect streaming data.
6. Under Source, choose Kinesis Firehose delivery stream and select web-log-ingestion-stream that you created in Step 2.

7. Scroll down to the Schema section and choose Discover schema., Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics analyzes the source data in your Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream and creates a formatted sample of the input data for your review:

8. Leave all values set to their defaults, and choose Save and continue. You are taken back to the hub screen for your Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application.
9. To create the SQL that analyzes the streaming data, expand Steps to configure your application and choose Configure SQL.
10. When prompted, choose Yes, start application.
After approximately 60 to 90 seconds, the Source data section presents you with a sample of source data that is flowing into your source delivery stream.
11. In the SQL editor, enter the following SQL code:
(datetime TIMESTAMP, status INTEGER, statusCount
-- Create pump to insert into output
-- Select all columns from source stream
STREAM ROWTIME as datetime,
"response" as status,
COUNT(*) AS statusCount
'1970-01-01 00:00:00') minute / 1 TO MINUTE);
The code creates a STREAM and a PUMP:
A stream (in-application) is a continuously updated entity that you can SELECT from and INSERT into (like a TABLE).
A pump is an entity used to continuously ‘SELECT...FROM’ a source STREAM and INSERT SQL results into an output STREAM.
Finally, an output stream can be used to send results into a destination.
12. Choose Save and run SQL. After about 1 minute, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics displays the output of the query.
13. To save the running output of the query, choose the Destination tab and choose Connect to a destination.

14. Under Destination, choose Kinesis Firehose delivery stream and select the web-log-aggregated-data stream that you created in Step 5.
15. For In-application stream, choose DESTINATION_SQL_STREAM

16. Leave all other options set to their default values and choose Save changes.
Step 7: View the Aggregated Streaming Data
After approximately 5 minutes, the output of the SQL statement in your Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application will be written to your OpenSearch domain. Amazon OpenSearch Service has built-in support for OpenSearch Dashboards, a tool that allows users to explore and visualize the data stored in an OpenSearch cluster. To view the output of your Amazon Kinesis Analytics application in OpenSearch Dashboards:
1. Open the Amazon OpenSearch Service console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/es.
2. In the Domain column, choose the OpenSearch domain called web-log-summary that you created in Step 4.
3. On the Overview tab, click the link next to OpenSearch Dashboards.
4. Enter the username and password you created in Step 4.

Because this is the first time you are opening OpenSearch Dashboards in your OpenSearch domain, you need to configure it. This configuration includes giving your user permissions to access the index in OpenSearch and giving Kinesis Data Firehose permission to write to the index.
5. In the Welcome screen, choose Explore on my own. Choose Global for tenant. In the left toolbar, choose Security and then choose Role Mappings.

6. Verify an Open Distro Security Role named all_access role is listed. If it is not listed, choose Create role and choose the Role all_access. See Amazon Opensearch Service fine-grained access control documentation for more information.
You need to modify the Users associated with the all_access role.
7. Choose the Mapped users tab.

a. Choose Manage mapping and under Users, choose admin. This is the user you used to log into OpenSearch Dashboards.
b. Under Backend roles, enter the ARN for the IAM role you are logged into in your AWS account. The ARN can be found in the IAM console page, under Users. Click into your user account and copy the User ARN.
c. Repeat this step for the firehose delivery role you created earlier, found under Roles in the IAM Console, by choosing Add another backend role. You should now have three entries listed for the all_access Role.

d. Choose Map
8. Choose the OpenSearch Dashboards icon on the top left to return to the Home dashboard.
9. Choose OpenSearch Dashboards, Visualize & analyze.

10. Choose Create index pattern. the Index pattern field, type request_data*. This entry uses the OpenSearch index name that you created in Step 5.

OpenSearch Dashboards automatically identifies the DATETIME field in your input data, which contains time data.
11. Choose Next step.
12. Choose Create index pattern. To visualize the data in your OpenSearch index, you will create and configure a line chart that shows how many of each HTTP response type were included in the source web log data per minute. To create the line chart:
a. In the toolbar, choose Visualize, and then choose Create new visualization.

b. Choose Line chart.
c. For Choose a search, select request_data*. To configure your chart, you first need to tell OpenSearch Dashboards what data to use for the y-axis:
d. In the metrics section, choose the arrow next to Y-Axis.
e. Under Aggregation, choose Sum.
f. Under Field, choose STATUSCOUNT. Now you need to configure the x-axis:
g. In the buckets section, select X-axis with the addition button.
h. Under Aggregation, choose Terms.
i. Under Field, choose STATUS.
j. To run the query and view the line chart, choose Update on the bottom right.

Step 8: Clean Up
After completing this tutorial, be sure to delete the AWS resources that you created so that you no longer accrue charges.
Terminate the EC2 Instance If you created a new EC2 instance to generate a continuous stream of Apache access log data, you will need to stop or terminate that instance to avoid further charges.
1. Navigate to the EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2.
2. Select Running Instances, and find the instance you used to generate your Apache access logs.
3. On the Actions menu, choose the instance, and then choose Instance State, then Terminate.
4. Read the warning regarding instance termination, and choose Yes, Terminate.
If you used an existing EC2 instance with Apache access logs and you do not plan to stop or terminate the instance, you should stop the Amazon Kinesis Agent so that no additional records are sent to the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. Stop the agent with the following command:
sudo service aws-kinesis-agent stop
Delete the OpenSearch domain in Amazon OpenSearch Service
1. Navigate to the Amazon OpenSearch Service console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/es
2. Locate and select the domain web-log-summary that you created in Step 4.
3. On the Actions menu, choose Delete domain.
4. On the Delete domain confirmation, select the check box and choose Delete.
Delete the Amazon S3 Bucket and Bucket Objects
1. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3.
2. Locate the S3 bucket that you created in Step 2.
3. Right-click the bucket name and choose Delete Bucket.
4. To confirm the deletion, type the bucket name and choose Delete.
Note: At this point in the tutorial, you have terminated or stopped any services that accrue charges while ingesting and processing data. Because the data producer has been stopped, you will not incur additional charges for Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics since data is not being ingested or processed. You can safely leave them in place for later reference or future development. However, if you wish to remove all resources created in this tutorial, continue with the following steps.
Delete the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Application and the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Streams
1. Navigate to the Amazon Kinesis console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/kinesis
2. Choose Go to Analytics.
3. Locate and select the name of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application called web-log-aggregation-tutorial that you created in Step 6 to view its details.
4. Choose Application details.
5. On the Actions menu, choose Delete application.
6. To confirm the deletion, in the confirmation modal, choose Delete application.
7. Navigate to the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/firehose.
8. Choose the Firehose delivery stream called web-log-ingestion-stream that you created in Step 2.
9. On the Actions menu, choose Delete.
10. To confirm the deletion, enter the name of the delivery stream and choose Delete. 11. Repeat items 7 through 10 for the second delivery stream called web-log-aggregateddata that you created in Step 5
Additional Resources
We recommend that you continue to learn more about the concepts introduced in this guide with the following resources:
For detailed information on Amazon Kinesis Analytics, see Amazon Kinesis Analytics: How It Works.
For information on how to develop your own Amazon Kinesis Analytics application, with specific information about its SQL extensions, windowed queries, and joining multiple streams, see Streaming SQL Concepts.
For additional examples, see Example Amazon Kinesis Analytics Applications
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