NoSQL Overview
- NoSQL (Not SQL or Not Only SQL) is a generic term used for databases that do not depend on a relational model.
- NoSQL databases are typically distributed database systems where several machines work together in clusters.
- The data does not need to have a strict schema.
- Core NoSQL technologies are:
Document stores
Key-value stores
Column family databases
Graph databases
How NoSQL Works
Basic idea behind NoSQL is to optimize the database performance for horizontal scaling,
Large data volumes, and low latency by foregoing some data consistency restrictions present in RDBMSs
NoSQL databases offer flexible models instead of rigid data models such as tables, columns, or rows
In use cases that do not require relational consistency, these models help NoSQLs perform better than relational databases
Features of NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases are structurally diverse and offer various data storage models
There are, however, several common attributes that distinguish NoSQL from relational databases.
NoSQL databases are extremely flexible when it comes to handling data. They can ingest structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Different data models handle specific application requirements. Developers and architects choose a NoSQL database to more easily handle different agile application development requirements

Differences Between NoSQL and SQL

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